Saturday, April 30, 2016

Why Women are Inferior (according to the New York Times)

So the other day I was scrolling through the Internet, and I came across a curious article on the New York Times' website. It was about feminism, and so being the little HISP boy that I am, I read it thoroughly.  At first I thought it was in favor, but then it jumped into how feminism is a joke because females are not at all equal.


Just kidding.
You played yourself.
This is a social experiment to see how you would react to the title.
For legal and ethical purposes, I must state that I lied about the anecdote about coming across the article on The New York Times' website.  There is no article of the sort on the website (at least to my knowledge.)
For the record, the views of the fake NYT article does not reflect my views or opinions.
Women are wonderful human beings!
Please comment about how you immediately felt about the title when you read it!
Peace and love


  1. I immediately felt that you might be receiving some strongly-worded comments from some of the feminist members of our HISP class. Good post - the headline definitely fooled me.

  2. When I first read the headline, I scoffed, yet I felt the desire to continue reading. This is a great way to capture your viewers attention, and It as good to see that it was all fake.
